Female imp aged 3
X3 MAL 9 Talent: theft
Hexes: rotten, gaunt, weave, mask
Malice is a greedy imp that was sent to the surface world for being a little too zealous with her thievery.
She is quick to anger and impetuous, traits that often get her into trouble.
Malice aims to amass a fortune and set herself up as something of a 'crime - lord'.
Male imp aged 5
X5 MAL 7 Talent: traps
Hexes: portal, brimstone
Hogg is a rugged, experienced imp with an arrogant and rebellious streak. He has been sent to the surface world in the hope that he will become a little more humble.
Hogg is continually tinkering with traps and devices, and displays a curiousity that occasionally causes him to take stupid risks.
Female imp aged 4
X4 MAL 6 Talent: torture
Hexes: sigil, pestilence, wilt
Ivy is so nasty the demons were relieved to be rid of her. She enjoys being cruel, taking gleeful pleasure from torture (she practices on rats and mice when there's no one else around she can use).
Ivy is sly and sadistic with a weakness for shiny trinkets.
Male imp aged 3
X3 MAL 8 Talent: hiding
Hexes: enshroud, rat, splinter, worm
Goate was sent to the surface world for being annoying. He's never around when needed, his favourite sins being sloth and gluttony.
Goate dreams of becoming a scheming mastermind, with power over lesser imps who (he imagines) will obey his orders. This, of course, relies on him getting out of bed in the morning..